quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2016

GIF: The Burrow

This was a one week project, and the GIF is my final outcome.



working in an insurance company processing personal injury claims.
the main room is referred to as the 'Great Castle', while in reality it is just a muddy hole in the ground
 fearing an attack from unseen enemies, and even going on excursions back into the jungle just to watch his burrow’s entrance
Kafka was thin, healthy but always trying to look after his fisic with no success
feared his father at the same time wanted to be like him superficialy
dreamt of being a writer but ended up doing something he didnt like
he was the opposite of existentiacialism
never delivered letters to his father because his mom didnt want her husband to see it so she gave it back to Kafka
The methamorphosis
kafka didnt want the illustrator ottmar starke to illustrate the bug
broke off the engagement with felice twice, she never forgot him
the trial and methamorphosis can be related to his life of traveling through the accident insurance agency
he did not go to war, but pondered if he should, conflicted

look up color and darkness
try to do color instead of black and white
look up unkown, ??, darkness, incognite, on pinterest
colors to maybe use on the illustrations: red and black, red for the blood stained burrow filled with effort
anti semite?
joseph mccarthys red scare

keywords: twisted, creepy, surrealism, scary, foggy, unclear
techniques: try smudging with fingers.

what i want in my illustrations: detail, scary, unclear, smudgy.
materials: inks, graphite, watercolor

black and white flashes, do detail so that there s always something different to look at.
dont illustrate the character
do detail
worms, roots, wind, noise, mice, dark, underground
try to show its underground, maybe show the surface
tryto send the message that its very descriptive
kafka s castle
impression of time passing
do it from the creature s point of view

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